Acacia fibres are highly safe all-natural food additives that come from the exudation of acacia trees. They are guaranteed to have a minimum fibre content of 90% (international method AOAC 985-29) and can be added to any product formulation to increase the percentage of fibre.

Satisfying customers’ expectations

Acacia fibres offer a safe and natural alternative to the food and beverage industry. To meet public and industry expectations, Alland & Robert’s variety of acacia fibres include seyal and Senegal grades. Both types have organic references that have been specifically developed to serve the growing demand for organic products in markets such as Europe and North America. To ensure full traceability of the gum, Alland & Robert is not only organic-certified for its manufacturing process, but is also working with African suppliers, who deliver organic raw materials approved by locally accredited organisations.

Meeting the needs of all industries

Acacia fibres are odourless, tasteless, colourless and highly soluble in water. This type of fibre does not present the usual disadvantages of other common fibres used in the food industry, which lead to discomfort and other side effects, plus unnatural synthetic additives and a viscous end product. Resistant to acidity and heat, acacia fibres can undergo highly complex preparation methods and have a pH that is compatible with milk proteins. Acacia fibres have been scientifically proven, with recognised prebiotic effects.

Bakery, dairy, beverages, dietary and health products are among the common applications for acacia fibres.

Helping the food industry with research and development

While consumers’ interests for dietary food and nutrition are increasing worldwide, the food and beverage industry faces a new challenge.

“Companies need to adapt by offering healthier and safer products to their customers. Acacia fibres are a real asset for them. As an international expert in acacia gum, Alland & Robert accompanies them throughout the process,” comments Frédéric Alland, CEO of Alland & Robert. “From formulation to manufacturing, our research and development team is dedicated to partnering with our clients to help them – thanks to their in-depth expertise – develop the best product in terms of taste and safety.”

In addition to their fibre-enrichment property, acacia fibres are also the answer to texturing needs, which can be very useful to companies looking to reduce sugar in their formulations. This is particularly interesting in the beverages industry, where soft drinks are being challenged on this trendy topic.

To respond to the needs of all clients, Alland & Robert’s acacia fibre range is also halal and kosher-certified, and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

A high-quality, natural product

Alland & Robert is committed to the naturalness of its product and makes the most of its advantageous qualities, while carrying out strict quality checks on suppliers throughout the production process and ensuring good working conditions for harvesters. This level of control is also applied at the company’s factories, with acacia fibres remaining additive-free from harvest to sale.

In order to continue offering the highest quality of products, Alland & Robert opened brand-new offices in Normandy and France in 2018, including a state-of-the-art physico-chemical laboratory, and a technological platform for applications research and customer training.

Alland & Robert will be at Hi Europe in Hall 8 at booth M102.