MIAMI – March 15, 2022 – Monteloeder, a leading global provider of innovative, scientifically proven, botanical ingredients today revealed the results of a new study on its relaxplx® ingredient, which concluded that the consumption of this lemon verbena extract purified in verbascoside has been clinically proven to help reduce anxiety and improve quality of sleep(1).

“It is common knowledge that lack of quality sleep can have negative impacts on many areas of both mental and physical wellbeing, and we are very pleased with the results of this study that may offer some hope and support,” said Marcos Lopez, Regional Director of Business Development, Monteloeder. “In 2021 US Census data reported that people aged 18-44 reported higher rates of anxiety and depression(2). Natural, effective solutions like relaxplx® are urgently needed as concerns about sleep and mental wellbeing have risen exponentially and today are some of the leading health challenges faced by consumers.”

In the study, sleep quality was assessed using The Perceived Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) as well as data from Fitbit trackers provided to the subjects to track their sleep. Data from both assessments were collected at baseline, 1 month, 2 months and after a 1-month washout period.

High PSQI values indicate poor sleep quality, and the concluding study results showed a 26% reduction in PSQI after washout in the group taking relaxplx, while no significant differences were detected in the placebo group. Evaluating the data based on gender showed that female subjects reported a more rapid decrease in PSQI scores than male subjects with significant decreases observed in as early as one month.

The Fitbit trackers assessed a number of parameters including: minutes asleep; minutes awake; number of times awakened; REM; deep sleep; and light sleep. While no significant changes were observed in the placebo group throughout the duration of the study, significant improvements were observed in the relaxplx group after just 2 months of supplementation. Specifically, a significant reduction was seen in the number of times awakened during the night, while the time spent in deep sleep and REM were significantly increased compared to the placebo group – also indicators of better quality of sleep.

Researchers believe these positive results are in part due to the mechanism of action demonstrated in prior studies which revealed that the potent polyphenol verbascoside in relaxplx can bind to the GABA-A receptor in a similar fashion as benzodiazepines, which are regularly used to treat anxiety(3,4). Another study showed that relaxplx also increases serotonin, noradrenaline/norepinephrine and dopamine(5).

In the new study a 15.6% decrease in cortisol levels was also detected in the supplement group after two months of intake compared to baseline, indicating a decreased level of stress in this group. This was corroborated through the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), which revealed a nearly 11% decrease after 2 months.

A recent American Psychological Association (APA) survey of US adults conducted by The Harris Poll reported that 2 in 3 Americans, or 67% are sleeping more (31%) or less (35%) than they wanted to since the pandemic started. The APA also reported that the stressful environment and events of recent years is impacting long-term physical and mental health of many people, and physical health may be declining due to an inability to cope in healthy ways with the stresses of the pandemic(6).

Consumers are turning to natural, effective solutions for sleep and anxiety challenges, and innovative brands are offering scientifically-backed ingredients like relaxplx to help bring noticeable and lasting support.

For more information on relaxplx, visit: