With great interest from the audience, the first Gnosis workshop in China on Vitamin K2 – vitaMK7®: beyond vitamin K2. Reveal on purity, stability & health benefits – held in Guangzhou last 13 September, was acclaimed and successful, exceeding all attendees expectations.

In collaboration with the HealthCare Food Profession Association of Guangdong Province, the event saw more than 150 auditors and most of the important Chinese companies operating in the pharmaceutical/nutraceutical markets, leaders in offering innovative finished products with reliability and quality. Among these companies, it is especially worth mentioning Zhendong and By Health – two big local enterprises, leaders in the nutrition and health food industry.

The vitamin K2 workshop was a remarkable occasion to inform the crowd about our latest research into the ingredient, and to discover what is happening in other markets with data and perspectives of growth for the next years and, finally, to be lit up by the quality of the ingredient.

Auditors included key opinion leaders, research and development directors, scientists and medical doctors, all interested in learning about the emerging role of vitamin K2 as MK7 as a key factor in bone and cardiovascular health.

The speakers, in particular Chen Yuming – Professor in Nutritional Epidemiology at the Department of Medical Statistics & Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) – and Luca Tiano – Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences University of Marche (Italy) – contributed significantly to the success of the workshop, demonstrating the importance of research in this field.

The final session – a Roundtable Forum organised by Gnosis with the special participation of Zhendong and By Health – was a great opportunity for Gnosis to emphasise a few aspects that emerged during the speeches, to exchange information and give ideas for new researches – thus consolidating business relationships with the Chinese companies.

Silvia Pisoni, marketing manager of Gnosis, engaged in a session where she provided insights about K2 market and trends, said: "Close to the important scientific findings about vitamin K2’s role in health, it is important to keep our attention on the quality profile that an excellent vitamin K2 must have, and its efficacy and safety. Gnosis VitaMK7® is the natural, pure and stable form of vitamin K2 as MK7, produced in one of our GMP European manufacturing sites, with a warrant of origin, quality and safety of the ingredient. Produced through a patented biofermentation process of the Bacillus subtilis natto, VitaMK7® offers extended steady analysis and confirms its remarkable stable profile also in formulation with the different calcium salts (calcium citrate, calcium carbonate and arginine), without any coating increasing non-natural substances."

The event is part of the information and educational campaign that Gnosis started several months ago, aimed to increase knowledge in vitamin K2 science and quality.