We are really proud to inform that the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme – module Feed Safety Assurance issued from the Schouten Certification B.V. and received last February by Gnosis Bioresearch S.A. – Sant’Antonino Operations, Switzerland has been extended to Adogran ingredient (SAMe PATES Granular LD).

The certification concerns the compliance to international standards for the production of ingredients intended for animal nutrition. Adogran is a formulated bulk powder consisting of coated granules containing SAMe that protects the active ingredient from possible interactions with environmental factors and/or other ingredients added to finished formulations, guaranteeing availability of the active substance when it is orally taken.

Schouten Certification B.V. is an independent certification body that supports companies in the pet foods and feeds chains with objective and expert audits/inspections.

Sant’Antonino plant is part of Gnosis by Lesaffre’s integrated Operations network including also Gnosis Bioresearch Srl (Pisticci – MT – Italy) and Omniabios (Bagnolo Mella – BS – Italy).

The plant is authorised to manufacture fermentation-based compounds including Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and Food Ingredients for human consumption, inspected by ANVISA (Brazil) and US FDA (International Operations Group Foreign Food Inspection) and is certified Kosher and Halal.