Bionap, founded in 1997, is on a mission to capitalise on the plants and fruits of the Mediterranean's extraordinary health properties by producing solid extracts that have powerful benefits for beauty and wellness.

Herbal extracts produced by Bionap are being used for application in the nutraceuticals and cosmeceutics industries, as well as in the functional foods and medical devices industries.

Bionap is characterised by its continuous attention to the quality of its products, which are guaranteed by controls upstream, in progress and downstream in production. The company is sensitive to current social and economic issues, and does not avoid its responsibilities to people and the environment. As such, the company is certified UNI EN ISO 9001:2008; UNI EN CEI ISO 13485:2012 and with the CE marking for medical devices.

All-round quality
Bionap relies on its high-quality system by applying the traceability criteria to every step of the production chain. The company's products come from raw materials (fruits and plants) typical of the Mediterranean region. The high specificity in this geographical location of raw materials defines the uniqueness of the extracts and promotes direct qualification, running from raw materials to the local suppliers.

Control over raw materials occurs internally and externally:

  • quality: this is monitored inside Bionap's labs to oversee control of the concentration of active metabolites in relation to the harvest area, the collection period and the chemical-physical characteristics
  • safety: at external certified laboratories, control of the absence of heavy metals, pesticides and phthalates is monitored.

To ensure these levels of quality and safety are adhered to, Bionap guarantees the selection and qualification of its suppliers. This quality also extends to service providers (transporting/shipping), so as to ensure a respect for strict delivery times and product integrity, and that suppliers of packaging materials preserve the quality of finished products.

Extraction methods and technology
The high-quality standards of Bionap ensure not only the know-how of the company, but also the safe and efficient use of high-tech equipment.

The company's production process is characterised by:

  • the employment of extraction methods that, according to tradition, use the most modern production knowledge
  • respect for the environment
  • cutting-edge equipment
  • a drying system "spray-dryer", which allows the company to perform every step of the production within its own establishment
  • strict attention to the qualifications of its personnel through continuous and specific training on the job.

Newly built facilities and departments
Bionap's new factory is optimised for the proper separation of different production areas, as well as the activities performed therein, in accordance with the regulations in force concerning the safety of operators.
Bionap also stands out for its ability to provide clients with constant technical and scientific support, available at every step of the project.

The R&D team is a dynamic company division that relies on different professional figures trained at public and/or private institutions. The Bionap R&D team aims to assist clients in their activities with practical help, such as in the development of formulations and dosages.

Follow up
The results achieved so far show that Bionap is at the starting point, not the finishing line. Its customer-oriented policy showcases its desire to be welcomed to different cultures. That's why Bionap's ongoing activities include the aim to get halal and kosher certification.