It is Fermentalg's job to develop, produce and market assets extracted from microalgae to food and nutaceuticals industries. Nutritional lipids, natural dyes and antioxidants, as well as speciality proteins, are the current and future offers of the company.

At the base of the food chain, algae are the origin of many essential nutrients, and production direct from the source provides a highly sustainable method of providing ingredients for the modern food industry.

Growing awareness of the health benefits of omega-3s has led to increased consumer demand for oils rich in these fatty acids, but worries about environmental factors such as pollution and the impact on diminishing natural resources are causing consumers to question the sustainability of fish-derived sources.

Concerns over quality can particularly impact those populations where correct omega-3 intake is the most important, such as pregnant women, new mothers and the very young.

Technological advances also allow Fermentalg to produce high levels of omega-3 direct from the algae.

A sustainable method

Carefully controlled algal production now provides a sustainable method of addressing the demand while at the same time avoiding the variation in quality that comes with seasonal and climatic changes, and the concerns that come from oils sourced from the environment.

Technological advances also allow Fermentalg to produce high levels of omega-3 direct from the algae, avoiding the need to pass via chemical concentration steps that are required for fish oils.

In short, algae are becoming one of the solutions to the changing nutritional demands of today's society, with plenty of potential to respond further to the needs of tomorrow. Products from algae may already be on your plate, and it's certain that you'll see many more in the future.