Calanus is a Norwegian company spearheading the development of a new industrial value chain based on the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus – the most numerous animal species on the planet, and the largest renewable and harvestable resource in the Norwegian Sea.

The company is sustainably harvesting Calanus finmarchicus, using its proprietary technology, and has developed gentle and environmentally friendly biorefinery processes to manufacture its novel products.

Arctic marine bioactives

The company's main products are Calanus® Oil – a third-generation marine oil with completely new benefits. Calanus Oil is exclusively used for human dietary supplements – and Calanus® Hydrolysate – a protein derived product currently mainly used as an ingredient in specialty feed for aquatic animals and pets.

Stimulate your metabolism with Calanus Oil

Preclinical and clinical trials show that Calanus Oil improves the pumping efficiency of the heart, improves insulin sensitivity and counteract fat deposition, thereby reducing the dangers of obesity. In addition, you will get the classic omega-3 benefits for heart health and reduction of inflammation.

Focus on science

Soon there will be seven PhDs completed on Calanus Oil, distributed between Norway, Germany and Czech Republic. Calanus also supply product to the world´s largest clinical trial on intervention with marine oils in children with ADHD. We build a strong scientific foundation, thereby expanding the marketing toolbox for our partners.

Regulatory diversity

Calanus Oil can be used in the US, Canada and the EU, and there are numerous ongoing regulatory processes to open additional markets.

We would love to be your partner. Please use the form below to send us your business request and we will come back to you at the earliest convenience.