Taura Natural Ingredients will be showcasing its low glycemic indexURC®fruit pieces at this year’s Food Ingredients Europe (FIE) show, taking place from 19-21 November in Germany.

Exhibiting on Stand 8A71, Taura’s representatives will be on hand to discuss the results of independent GI testing conducted recently on two of its biggest selling URC® fruit products – JusFruit URC® apple strawberry and JusFruit URC® mixed berry.

The tests confirmed conclusively that both registered as low GI – a measure indicating that they release energy slowly into the bloodstream, which can help to keep hunger at bay and assist in controlling blood glucose levels.

The European Commission recently adopted into law an EFSA-approved health claim that "Consumption of foods containing fructose leads to a lower blood glucose rise compared to foods containing sucrose or glucose". A condition of using the claim is that the sucrose or glucose content in the product in question should be at least 30% lower than in a comparative product – an outcome that is achievable using Taura’s URC® fructose-rich fruit ingredients.

Peter Dehasque, chief executive of Taura, said: "Support for the benefits of a low GI diet is growing fast in nutrition and regulatory circles, and it’s a great time for food manufacturers to get on board and start adding fruit to their products to take advantage of this. With their naturally highfructose content, many of Taura’s URC® ingredients can help manufacturers ride this wave of opportunity by producing delicious low GI products consumers will love."