Muskoka Canterpene Bio Derivatives (MCBD) was established in 2017 in beautiful Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada. With one thing in mind, better health MCBD manufactures tinctures, creams and capsules using Canterpene, a patent pending source of Canadian hemp to help your body achieve homeostasis. The source of the Canterpene ingredient has been in the hemp business since it became legal in 1999. MCBD takes pride in product consistency and availability from sources with authoritative knowledge of the product. 

Since the new cannabis act has taken effect in Canada legal sources of non C45 regulated material have been reduced to one single supplier Morris Johnson, as a result of his patented harvest and processing methods. Canterpene self-asserts itself to be an essential nutrient of the endocannabinoid system with all the benefits of C45 regulated cannabis except for the absence of psychoactive properties which is due to the lack of THC in Canterpene.

Canterpene has become the choice of many who want halal products or who simply want to balance their endocannabinoid system without psychoactive side effects. MCBD is a young company with big ideas. MCBD anticipates growing exponentially in the next five years to meet the needs of consumers who are rapidly educating themselves about the benefits of the bioactives embodied in Canterpene. Our products have only trace amounts of THC which qualifies them to be a dietary supplement. Canterpene’s nutrition analysis and nutrition panel verifies that Canterpene is a superfood. Nutritionally dense foods are gaining market share in the food market. Canterpene meets this need as one of the new up and coming farm-to-table goods available to consumers. With protein quality superior to beef and more fiber than wholegrains – and a fatty acids profile comparable to food supplements – Canterpene deserves to serve to you and your family in the near future. 

Who is Ernie Gilson?

Born and raised in North Bay Ontario, Ernie has had a hand in a diverse range of industries, in his lifetime especially customer relations and support. Ernie brings a strong technical background too. Studying cannabinoids for the last 30+ years Ernie’s passion for herbals brings technical expertise to monetisation of this valuable project. In 2017, Ernie was suffering from chronic pain and other health issues that traditional pharmaceuticals had failed to treat.

Ernie took responsibility for his health and formulated for himself a remedy with cannabis and hemp. The process which resulted in cannabis legalisation, created countless possibilities for a new industry to take off and rapidly evolve in the future. After the cannabis act rolled out and access was constrained – to the disadvantage of many consumers – Ernie decided to take a non C45-regulated direction. The THC Free option of products without psychoactive effects are a very popular notion and have turned out to be desirabke, lucrative products. Ernie has plans to expand into food and clothing in the immediate future as well, according to how the supply chain opportunity presents itself.  

Canterpene and Morris Johnson

Morris Johnson is a Saskatchewan citizen-scientist farm business entrepreneur with a lifelong quest to extend human health and lifespan. Morris consumes daily both pretty ordinary food supplements as well as the novelties piracetam, levamisole, hops, molecular hydrogen and hemp bioactives. Frustrated by the stigma over the identity of industrial hemp Morris designed the 'I cannot believe it’s not marijuana' logo, and the descriptor 'Canterpene' – to differentiate cannabinoid and terpene-rich hemp derivatives from recreational drugs.

Canterpene Botanical Derivatives and Canterpene Bio Derivatives (C.B.D.) are created using a patented harvest and processing method, and the process ensures that the health promoting properties are conserved in a universal source of an essential nutrient to support the normal functioning of the human endocannabinoid system. This Vitamin C2 still has to have an RDA or MDR determined from biomarker analysis.